I dislike Trump because of his too often UNINFORMED, uncompassionate stance on many critical issues, but one thing I learned from my decade in the Military, is to OWN-UP courageously to your beliefs and basic reasons for your actions on the field of play/battle, including ALL mistakes:
A. Trump dodged the draft for a weak, questionable medical ploy; I had MY medical issues AND was on a long University path, but nevertheless chose youthful Patriotism;
B. I spent decades in R&D Science where, when people have occasional problems, HAVE TO own up to them to be respected, while Trump loses an election by 'landslide' numbers but DOESN'T have the COURAGE to own-up to it, and ACCEPT it, and even worse, cockily foists the UNTRUTH on millions of my/our fellow, easy yo sway, Americans.
C. While I was cured of 'American Exceptionalism' in dealing with STEM colleagues from a half dozen First-World countries over the years, I today remain as Patriotic as ever; Trump thinks it fine to cozy-up to World Dictators at the expense of United States LONG-PROVEN, common-motive, allies.

Prancing around rally-stages with those 'cocky fists' thrown out, works wonders for some, but NOT for me!
